Saturday, February 20, 2010

Large Lump On Dogs Chest What Is The Fluid Filled Lump On My Border Collie Cross' Chest?

What is the Fluid Filled Lump on My Border Collie Cross' Chest? - large lump on dogs chest


I have exceeded 9 years old (dog years), Border Collie with a Scottish border collie, one breast tumor, a type at the bottom of his "shoulder" was developed.

Apart from the very healthy - not overweight and is usually very active for a dog his age desipite occasional joint.

The ball is not red is the color of the skin and viewed only as a body fluid (such as the size of golf balls under the skin). It can touch and feel soft and supple, and it seems that the cause of your pain. He seems to have developed over time and gradually become larger.

It seems the cause of the problems, then do not have rushed him to the vet, but it is something that worries me, because itFrom time to time (I thought it might again disapate in your body).

Has anyone had this happen to your dog, an idea of what might have caused, or what should I do?

Of course, if things change and I will be painful to the vet immediately.


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